Optimalisasi Pendistribusian Zakat Produktif dalam Upaya Membantu Perekonomian Masyarakat untuk Pengentasan Kemiskinan
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The concept of this research was carried out to better provide an understanding of the importance of paying zakat as a form of maaliyah worship so that it has an imprtanta role in socio economics as a command from Allah as aform of worship. Zakat creates solidarity among Muslims and fosters brotherhood and improves relations between the upper and lower economies. In addition, zakat has a law that obligatory on Muslims. The strategy of collecting and distributing zakat at the Pematangsiantar Baznas offices provides a very important role for the amil zakat institution because it has a great responsibility and trust from the muzakki. Baznas Pematangsiantar still needs socialization to the surrounding community regarding the existence and function or the institution so that community gets knowledge about the importance of issuing zakat to help the economy of muslim to be better in the future. Baznas Pematangsiantar has supporting and inhibiting factors in carrying out its duties as a collection and distribution of zakat. Supporting factors for Baznas Pematangsiantar, which require skilled, careful, silled workers related to zakat such as muzakki, hawl, nisab and mustahiq zakat. The inhibiting factor is that Baznas Pematangsiantar has deficiencies in physical facilities, services, capabilities, financial and operational equipment.
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