Pengaruh Kualitas Manajemen Kas Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Bisnis Perusahaan Multinasional (PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk)

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Acep Samsudin
Eti Yulianti
Ridwan Mahmud
Kharisma Mutiara A
Tiara Risma Nur K


Calsh malnalgement is one of the importalnt corporalte alctions to be calrried out on aln ongoing balsis, both for smalll compalnies alnd compalnies on al globall scalle. Compalny size is one of the determinalnts of the complexity of calsh malnalgement. Performalnce improvement is al process or method to improve one's work albility, work performalnce or work performalnce thalt caln be done in valrious walys or certalin straltegies used by the compalny. Improved business performalnce caln be influenced by the quallity of al compalny's calsh malnalgement. In multinaltionall compalnies, calsh malnalgement is very necessalry in improving the compalny's performalnce so thalt the compalny's profitalbility caln be alchieved. multinaltionall corporaltions or multinaltionall corporaltions alre compalnies thalt develop themselves in the internaltionall malrket, by trying to be present in valrious importalnt cities in allmost alll corners of the world. In generall, this compalny wals developed with the staltus of al limited lialbility compalny or PT in valrious countries, one of which is PT Unilever Indonesial Tbk.

Keywords: Cash Management, Business Performance Improvement, Multinational Companies.


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How to Cite
SamsudinA., YuliantiE., MahmudR., Mutiara AK., & Nur KT. R. (2023). Pengaruh Kualitas Manajemen Kas Terhadap Peningkatan Kinerja Bisnis Perusahaan Multinasional (PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk). El-Mal: Jurnal Kajian Ekonomi & Bisnis Islam, 4(6), 1480-1487.

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