Pengaruh Modal dan Tenaga Kerja terhadap Upah Kerja Pengrajin Rotan di Kecamatan Medan Petisah Kota Medan Sumatera Utara

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Meilinda Puspa
Muhammad Arif
Imsar Imsar


This review plans to decide if there is an impact of capital and work at the same time on the pay of rattan specialists in Medan Petisah region and the impact of capital and work somewhat on the pay of rattan experts in Medan Petisah sub-area. The object of this exploration is rattan experts in Medan Petisah sub-area. This review utilizes information assortment strategies polls, perceptions, and meetings. The strategy utilized in this exploration is a quantitative strategy with various straight relapse procedures. The insightful strategy utilized is illustrative examination, old style supposition test and relapse condition test with view of capital (X1), work (X2), and pay (Y). The consequences of this review show that the variable capital has a positive and critical impact on pay, implying that the higher the capital of the rattan specialists, the pay will increment, as well as the other way around. Work variable has a positive and critical impact on pay, implying that the more specialists, the more pay will increment, as well as the other way around. This implies that the capital and work factors all the while have a positive and huge impact on the pay of rattan specialists in Medan Petisah sub-region.

Keywords : Capital, Labor, Income


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How to Cite
PuspaM., ArifM., & ImsarI. (2022). Pengaruh Modal dan Tenaga Kerja terhadap Upah Kerja Pengrajin Rotan di Kecamatan Medan Petisah Kota Medan Sumatera Utara. El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(2), 151-165.