ManBiz: Journal of Management and Business 2024-10-24T04:32:46+00:00 Dedi Junaedi Open Journal Systems <p><strong>ManBiz: Journal of Management and Business</strong> is a peer-reviewed national journal on Management, Islamic Management, Economics, Financen and Business by Institut Agama Islam Nasional (IAI-N) Laa Roiba Bogor in cooperation with Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah (MES) and Intelectual Association for Islamic Studies (IAFORIS). This journal focused on management, Islamic management, economics, finance, business studies and contemporary developments through the publication of articles, research reports, and book reviews. The ManBiz specializes in management, Islamic management, economics, finance, and business studies and is intended to communicate original research and current issues on the subject. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines. The Journal is published twice a year on June and December. <a href=""> E-ISSN&nbsp;2829-9213</a>.&nbsp;Accredited Sinta 6 (SK Dirjen Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset dan Teknologi <a href="">No 72/E/KPT/2024</a> tanggal 15 Mei 2022 (No 51 page 91) start from Vol 1 No 1 2022 to Vol 5 No 2 2026.&nbsp;Published three times a year every February, June, October.</p> Analisis Pemanfaatan Media Sosial dalam Peningkatan Penjualan Produk Kuliner: Studi Kasus pada Usaha Mf Dessert 2024-09-02T00:40:48+00:00 Yulisdianti Arafah Failur Rahman Edhi Taqwa Yunus Sading Musdayanti yanti <p><em>Technology is developing very rapidly which has many consequences in the field of human life, especially the development of technology in the field of the internet. As a result of these advancements, trading systems, ways of transacting, and marketing systems will all undergo a revolution. Previously, you had to meet the merchant in person if you wanted to buy something. As a result, the distance between the seller and the buyer is quite short. However, with technological breakthroughs, especially in the realm of the internet, all barriers of distance, time, and cost can be easily overcome. One type of internet technology development that can help build a business is the use of social media. MF Dessert is a business established in 2021 that provides a variety of dessert menus such as Haunted Chocolate, Mille Crepes and Fruit Salad. This study aims to find out the analysis of the use of social media in increasing sales culinary products (case study on MF Dessert business). This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The results of the research obtained are that the social media used are WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram, where the use of Whatsapp is more often used than Facebook and Instagram and MF Dessert's business sales have increased by using social media. In conclusion, the use of social media makes it easier for dessert sales that reach more many consumers and social media that is more often used is WhatsApp, the amount of profit obtained from online sales in November is more than Rp. 170,000 compared to direct/offline sales in October. So that the number of sales of MF Dessert's business increased by using social media.</em></p> 2024-07-24T05:23:30+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Inovasi Produk Terhadap Penjualan Coklat Berhantu pada Mf Dessert 2024-09-02T00:40:48+00:00 Nur ’aziza Santi Yunus Kalvin Parinding Nuryana Haprin DJ Achmad Rita Yunus <p><em>Innovation is a mechanism for companies to adapt to a dynamic environment. Therefore, companies must be able to develop new thoughts and ideas, provide innovative products, and improve services to satisfy customers. This research aims to determine the effect of product innovation on sales of Haunted Chocolate at MF Dessert in Palu City. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The results show that in August, sales were relatively high due to product introductions to customers. However, in September and October, sales declined before the innovation was implemented, mainly due to a decrease in interest in sweets. After the innovation was implemented, sales in November and December increased because customers were attracted to the new flavors, many preferring pandan and cappuccino flavors to the original flavors. In conclusion, sales of Haunted Chocolate before the innovation had decreased due to lack of interest in sweet foods. Innovation has a positive effect on sales, as evidenced by an increase in sales after the innovation is implemented.</em></p> 2024-07-24T05:29:35+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Pendapatan dan Kelayakan Usaha Salad Buah pada Mf Dessert 2024-09-02T00:40:49+00:00 Nahdiasma Kirana Santi Yunus Mukhtar Tallesang Farida Millias Tuty Rita Yunus <p><em>Income is all income received from other parties in the form of money or goods, as well as industrial output, which is valued based on the current amount of money from these assets. Turnover is one of the company's components and the main objective in preparing the income statement. This research aims to conduct an analysis of fruit salad income at Mf Dessert. Through this careful research and comprehensive literature review, it is hoped that we can provide deeper insight into the income that contributes to Fruit Salad at Mf Dessert and provide recommendations that can help Mf Dessert businesses optimize their business potential. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of this research show that the average revenue from Mf Dessert is IDR 3,900,000,- per 5 months with production costs incurred of IDR 3,484,873,- per 5 months. The production costs consist of fixed costs of IDR 4,000 per 5 months and variable costs of IDR 3,435,000 per 5 months. From the results of data analysis, it was found that the income earned by fruit salad at Mf Dessert was IDR 415,127 per 5 months. Based on feasibility research on Mf Dessert (R/C Ratio), a value (R/C Ratio) of 1.22 or 1.22 &gt; 1 was obtained, meaning that for every cost incurred Rp. 1, it produces income of Rp. 1.22 so that the revenue is greater than the capital spent. So it can be concluded that the fruit salad at Mf Dessert can be said to be profitable and worth running.</em></p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Jasa Kebersihan: Studi Kasus Usaha Jasa Sini Sa Clean 2024-09-02T00:40:48+00:00 Wahyul Wahyul Rita Yunus Kalvin A Parinding Yunus Sading Mus dayanti <p><em>The cleaning service business </em><em>SINI</em><em> sa CLEAN is a business that has quite promising potential for development, even though it is very promising, </em><em>SINI</em><em> sa CLEAN is currently unable to compete in a broad scope. </em><em>SINI</em><em> sa CLEAN must be able to develop and continue to innovate so that it can survive and be able to compete. So an appropriate development strategy is needed. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative and the data sources in writing this article were taken from primary data and secondary data. The analysis technique used in this research is the SWOT analysis technique, recording and observation to produce accurate information. The aim of this research is to determine the internal and external factors of the </em><em>SINI</em><em> sa CLEAN cleaning service business to find out the business development strategy and to find out the </em><em>SINI</em><em> sa CLEAN cleaning service business development strategy. The research results show that the total internal factors of strengths and weaknesses as the X axis are 0.73, while the total external factors of opportunities and threats as the Y axis are 2.83. So the strategic position for developing the </em><em>SINI</em><em> sa CLEAN cleaning service business is in quadrant I, namely in the S-O strategy position which has the strength and opportunity to be able to develop the </em><em>SINI</em><em> sa CLEAN cleaning service business.</em></p> 2024-07-28T15:00:55+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Persepsi Penggunaan Kosmetik Halal di Kalangan Muslim Generasi Z 2024-09-02T00:40:48+00:00 Salsabila Rosalia Said Rania Ariqah Yasir Robert Kristaung <p><em>This study focuses on the perception of halal cosmetics use for Muslim generation z. This study uses a descriptive analysis research method with a quantitative approach. This study uses primary data with data collection carried out by distributing questionnaires to respondents who meet the criteria, namely individuals who use halal cosmetics in the last 3 months and individuals who are included in generation Z. The questionnaire was distributed via Google Forms. The sample used in data processing was 180 respondents who were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis unit with the AMOS program and also tested the goodness of fit model to test its feasibility. The conclusion obtained from this study is that there is a positive influence between attitude and purchase intention, there is a positive influence between perceived behavioral control and purchase intention, and there is a positive influence between religiosity and purchase intention. However, other results revealed that there was no positive influence between subjective norms and purchase intention.</em></p> 2024-07-31T16:59:41+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tanggung Gugat Sengketa Hak Pertanahan Terhadap Pembeli yang Beritikad Baik 2024-09-02T00:40:48+00:00 Deny Pratika Suwito Suwito Rommy Hardyansah <p><em>The purpose of this study is to determine the legal basis or legal considerations of the panel of judges in deciding Civil Case Number 29/Pdt.G/2023/PN.Mjk. To find out these problems, the author uses Normative Research methods, legislative approaches, scientific journals, court decisions, with Library data collection techniques, and descriptive and qualitative analysis.The result of the author's analysis is that he disagrees with the judge's consideration in deciding the case, with considerations including the existence of procedures or conditions for the legal acquisition of sale and purchase of land based on Legislation, as well as the existence of a Supreme Court Circular Letter governing Good Faith Buyers, and the absence of strict regulations governing legal protection for good faith buyers, causing multiple interpretations of existing rules and resulting in different court decisions even in the same type of case.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-08-08T05:19:53+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pegaruh Kepercayaan Konsumen Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian di Tokopedia Melalui Electronic Word of Mouth Sebagai Variabel Intervening 2024-09-02T00:40:48+00:00 Andre Wijaya Adryan Rachman <p><em>With rapid growth, researchers are intrigued to investigate the factors influencing&nbsp; consumer purchasing decisions on this platform. Through data collection and analysis, this&nbsp; research aims to provide deeper insights into how electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) influences&nbsp; purchasing decisions on Tokopedia. As a popular e-commerce platform, further understanding&nbsp; of these factors is expected to contribute to the development of marketing strategies and&nbsp; enhancement of consumer experiences on Tokopedia. This study utilizes purposive sampling and&nbsp; non-probability sampling techniques, involving 200 respondents from the community of&nbsp; Tangerang City who use Tokopedia for daily shopping. Data collection is carried out through&nbsp; G-form tools and manual methods with a questionnaire of statements using a 5-point Likert scale.&nbsp; The research employs Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM)&nbsp; techniques for hypothesis testing and data validity. From the discussion of each hypothesis, some&nbsp; hypotheses are rejected as they surpass the theoretical significance value. The variable rejected&nbsp; is the consumer trust variable in purchasing decisions. This rejection aligns with prior research&nbsp; on Scarlett products, finding that consumer trust has a positive and significant impact on&nbsp; purchasing decisions, while brand image and brand ambassadors do not significantly influence&nbsp; purchasing decisions (Putri &amp; Harti, 2022). The results of this study indicate that the role of&nbsp; electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) mediates the influence of consumer trust on purchasing decisions among Tokopedia users in Tangerang City. </em></p> 2024-08-08T05:21:18+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementasi Metode Total Quality Management (TQM) pada Industri dan Organisasi 2024-09-02T00:40:48+00:00 Mala Septiani Risma Indriyanti Teku Dede Ariyanto Dian Ayu Puspita Safuan Safuan <p><em>Total Quality Management (TQM) is considered a successful management method to improve total quality in various industries and organisations.&nbsp; Total Quality Management focuses on customer satisfaction, involvement of all stakeholders, data collection and analysis, decision-making based on available evidence, and continuous improvement maintenance.&nbsp; Total Quality Management is considered as a quality control method to improve overall performance in various fields.&nbsp; Data analysis methods were used in conducting this research.</em></p> 2024-08-08T05:22:32+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Content Marketing dan Influencer Marketing terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Handphone Vivo: Studi Kasus Konsumen Handphone Vivo Kota Bengkulu 2024-09-02T00:40:48+00:00 Chandra Aditya Ade tiara Yulinda <p>This research aims to determine the influence of content marketing and influencer marketing on Vivo cellphone purchasing decisions (case study of Vivo cellphone consumers in the city of Bengkulu). This research is quantitative research, the object of this research is Vivo cellphone consumers in the city of Bengkulu with a sample of 96 respondents, using a purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through questionnaires and analyzed using the multiple linear regression method. Based on the results of multiple linear regression, the regression equation Y = = 4.468 + 0.267 (X1) + 0.570 (X2) is obtained. The results of the hypothesis test show that content marketing has a significant influence on the decision to purchase a Vivo cellphone, with a significant level (0.007 &lt; 0.050), and influencer marketing has a significant influence on the decision to purchase a Vivo cellphone, with a significant level (0.000 &lt; 0.050), testing the hypothesis test f shows that content marketing and influencer marketing have a significant influence on Vivo cellphone purchasing decisions at a significant level (0.000 &lt; 0.050). .This means that the results of the t test analysis state that the results are significant for all variables and the hypothesis is accepted. The results of multiple regression analysis also show a coefficient of determination of 0.432, which means that the content marketing and influencer marketing variables influence consumer purchasing decisions by 43.2%, while 56.8% is influenced by other variables not observed in this research.</p> 2024-08-08T05:23:53+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Customer Review dan Customer Rating Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen pada Marketplace Shopee: Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu 2024-09-02T00:40:48+00:00 Hasim Asari Ade Tiara Yulinda <p><em>Purchasing decision is a process where consumers evaluate various alternative choices and choose one or more alternatives based on certain considerations. Several factors that influence the purchasing decisions of online shopping consumers are customer reviews and customer ratings. This study aims to determine the effect of customer reviews and customer ratings on consumer purchasing decisions. This type of research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach. The population of this study were all students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, who use the Shopee marketplace. The number of research samples was 90 people. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results of data analysis obtained multiple linear regression equations as follows: Y = 1.577 + 0.483 X<sub>1</sub> + 0.360 X<sub>2</sub>. The results of the analysis show that partially customer review has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions (t<sub>count</sub> = 5,350 and Sig = 0.000) and customer rating has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions (t<sub>count</sub> = 3,747 and Sig = 0.000). Simultaneously, there is an influence of customer review and customer rating on purchasing decisions (F<sub>hitung</sub> = 85,744 and Sig = 0.000). It is recommended for online traders in the Shopee marketplace to be able to increase consumer purchasing decisions by increasing consumer confidence through increasing positive customer reviews and customer ratings.</em></p> 2024-08-08T05:25:14+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Lingkungan Kerja dan Kompensasi Terhadap Loyalitas Kerja Karyawan di PT. Bali Kulina Utama 2024-09-26T10:11:07+00:00 Wina Novriani Ni Made Yudhaningsih Ni Made Gede Supraptha I Nyoman <p><em>This study investigates the phenomenon of low turnover rates at PT Bali Kulina Utama, despite deficiencies in recognition, rewards, and career development opportunities. The study aims to analyze the impact of leadership style, work environment, and compensation on employee loyalty, and to explore the combined effect of these factors on employee retention at the company. The research employs a quantitative approach with a sample size of 58 employees from PT Bali Kulina Utama. Data collection is conducted using a questionnaire, and measurement is based on a Likert scale. Data analysis involves descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression, and hypothesis testing, with data processed using SPSS 27 for Windows. </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>The results of the t-test indicate that the Leadership Style variable has a significance value of 0.0446, which is less than 0.05, suggesting that Leadership Style has a positive and significant effect on employee loyalty at PT Bali Kulina Utama. The Work Environment variable has a significance value of 0.040, also less than 0.05, indicating a positive and significant impact on employee loyalty. The Compensation variable has a significance value of 0.043, which is less than 0.05, demonstrating a positive and significant influence on employee loyalty. The F-test results show an Fvalue of 5.531 with a significance level of 0.012, indicating a positive and significant impact of Leadership Style, Work Environment, and Compensation on employee loyalty at PT Bali Kulina Utama.</em></p> 2024-08-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Harga, Persepsi Resiko, dan Promosi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian pada E-Commerce Tiktok Shop: Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Universitas Tanjungpura 2024-09-26T10:11:57+00:00 Cesilia Monika Kristianty Rudy Kurniawan Rafles Ginting <p>This research aims to find out the influence of price, preception of risk, and promotion on purcashing decisions using different methods. The research was conducted at Tanjungpura University, Pontianak, with a sample 0f 60 respondents, and used an approach, namely purposive sampling based on users. Tiktok application and those who have made purchases using the Tiktok Shop. In this research, quantitative methods were used. The analysis used is regression analysis, multiple linear which is a measuring tool for understanding the relationship between variables in predicting a value on a variable based on the result studied are proce, pereception of risk, and promotion that consumers can experience in product marketing, all of which influence the purchasing&nbsp; decisions of Tiktok Shop&nbsp; consumers. For each variable, the independent variable, such as setting a price, has a very positive influence on consumers purchasing decisions, perception of risk only has little influence on purchasing decisions because it is not very profitable. Anda finally, promotion have a very positive infience on purchasing decisions because advertising that provides its own value and start power for consumers&nbsp; becomes a purchasing decision for consumers.</p> 2024-09-26T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Budidaya Kepiting dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Ekonomi pada Petani Kepiting di Desa Labotto Kecamatan Cenrana 2024-09-26T10:11:47+00:00 Irma Sulastri Abd Hafid Munawarah Munawarah <p><em>This research aims to contribute to understanding crab cultivation in improving the economic welfare of crab farmers in Labotto Village, Cenrana District. In Labotto Village, crab cultivation has become a source of income for the people in Labotto Village who work as crab farmers, which is supported by supportive natural conditions and high market demand for crabs. The type of approach used in this research is field research with a qualitative descriptive approach, namely a research approach that seeks to explain an event or happenings that are currently occurring. Then the data collection techniques used in this research were observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the results in this research, it shows that crab cultivation can have a positive impact on increasing the income of crab farmers and the community in Labotto Village who also participate in the Crab Cultivation Process. Success in crab cultivation is influenced by several factors, including the availability of natural resources, the skills of crab farmers, business capital, and access to markets. Crab Farmers who have good knowledge and skills in cultivating crabs, and are able to access markets more effectively, in the results of this research show a higher increase in income while cultivating crabs. The conclusion from the results of this research is that crab cultivation has great potential to improve the economic welfare of the community in Labotto Village because crab cultivation also opens up employment opportunities during the cultivation stage, starting from the Management, Maintenance, to the crab harvesting process. However, to ensure sustainability and improvement in crab cultivation, additional efforts are needed such as increasing access to modern technology, developing marketing networks, and policies that support the growth of crab cultivation. Thus, crab cultivation can be a strategic solution in improving the economic welfare of the community in Labotto Village.</em></p> 2024-09-26T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Harga, Fasilitas dan Lokasi Terhadap Keputusan Berkunjung di Kolam Pancing Rahayu Sumber Rejeki Sidoarjo 2024-10-24T04:32:46+00:00 Nurita Ahyuning Ukhti M.Ali Masyhuri Agung Dwi Nughroho Nindya Kartika Kusumayati <p>This research aims to determine the influence of price on the decision to visit the Rahayu Fishing Pond, Sumber Rejeki Sidoarjo, to determine the influence of facilities on the decision to visit the Rahayu Fishing Pond, Sumber Rejeki Sidoarjo, to find out the influence of location on the decision to visit the Rahayu Fishing Pond, Sumber Rejeki Sidoarjo, and to determine the influence of price, facilities and location simultaneously on the decision to visit the Rahayu Sumber Rejeki Sidoarjo Fishing Pond. This research uses a quantitative research method with a descriptive approach and verification methods. The sample used in this research was 100 respondents. The results of the research show that if there is an increase in prices it will reduce consumers' decisions to visit the Rahayu Sumber Rejeki Fishing Pond. Facilities have a positive and significant influence on the decision to visit. Location has a positive and significant influence on the decision to visit the Rahayu Sumber Rejeki Fishing Pond. Price, facilities and location have a positive and quite large influence on the decision to visit.</p> 2024-10-24T04:32:46+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##