Tinjauan Komunikasi Publik pada Program Tembung Lihat Bersinar terhadap Tingkat Kebersihan Lingkungan dan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba di Kelurahan Tembung

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Rita Damayanti Silitonga
Khatibah Khatibah


The purpose of this study was to find out first, how public communication was carried out by the Tembung sub-district in the "Tembung See Bersinar" program (Tembung a healthy environment clean from drugs). Second, whether the level of environmental cleanliness and drug abuse rates had decreased after the Tembung See Bersinar program. In this study the researcher uses a qualitative descriptive method, in which the researcher collects data or information related to the research topic obtained from the main sources, namely village officials and the Tembung village environment community, and secondary sources obtained from journals, books, the internet and other literature. the public in managing institutions and society is a measure of the level of public trust.Effectiveness in communication in general is that the message conveyed by the communicator can be received and understood by the communicant with the aim that the communicant delivers feedback that is in line with the content of the message. The effectiveness of communication can be measured by how far the understanding between the communicator and the communicant is in common. As the meaning of the word communication is the same, the same understanding of messages and information, attitudes, actions or behavior. The role of public communication in a government institution is very important. This role is to make people who do not know become aware, who previously had misunderstandings can understand the problems that occur Feedback (feedback) is the result of the communication process, how big is the impact of changes as a result of the activities of conveying the information. The results that the researchers found, the level of cleanliness in the Tembung sub-district environment had increased from before. Likewise with drug abuse, the Tembung sub-district makes drug users afraid by cooperating with the police. However, not all drug users in the Tembung sub-district have disappeared, there are still drug users who have escaped surveillance.

Keywords: political communication, environmental hygiene, drugs


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How to Cite
SilitongaR. D., & KhatibahK. (2023). Tinjauan Komunikasi Publik pada Program Tembung Lihat Bersinar terhadap Tingkat Kebersihan Lingkungan dan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba di Kelurahan Tembung. Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal, 5(6), 3084-3103. https://doi.org/10.47467/reslaj.v5i6.3736