ManBiz: Journal of Management and Business is a peer-reviewed national journal on Management, Islamic Management, Economics, Financen and Business by Institut Agama Islam Nasional (IAI-N) Laa Roiba Bogor in cooperation with Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah (MES) and Intelectual Association for Islamic Studies (IAFORIS). This journal focused on management, Islamic management, economics, finance, business studies and contemporary developments through the publication of articles, research reports, and book reviews. The ManBiz specializes in management, Islamic management, economics, finance, and business studies and is intended to communicate original research and current issues on the subject. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars of related disciplines. The Journal is published twice a year on June and December. E-ISSN 2829-9213


Published: 2022-06-10

The Analysis of the Impact of Debt on the Indonesian Economy for the Period 1976-2021

Comparative Study between Budget Regimes

Dedi Junaedi, Efrita Norman, Faisal Salistia, Muhammad Rizal Arsyad, Arman Paramansyah


Abstract View: 998, PDF Download: 683

Analisis Diversifikasi, Merger, dan Akuisis Perusahaan

Risma Warti, Dea Dara Audina, Adelia Azizi


Abstract View: 190, PDF Download: 224

Sistem Pengelolaan Arsip Unit Dalam Negeri dan Kliring pada PT Bank Syariah Indonesia KC S. Parman Medan

Maulana Iskandar, Ahmad Amin Dalimunthe


Abstract View: 175, PDF Download: 239

Pengaruh Working Capital Management terhadap Profitabilitas Perusahaan Manufaktur Indeks Lq45

Yanti Hasbian Setiawati


Abstract View: 288, PDF Download: 297