VISA: Journal of Vision and Ideas is a scientific journal for the academic community of universities and research institutions with a scope covering research results, studies, thoughts, and ideas related to visions and solutions to various problems in the economic, social, educational, communication, science and environmental fields. Initially, it was published twice every June and December. Starting 2022, it will be published three times every April, August and December. E-ISSNĀ 2809-2058 P-ISSNĀ 2809-2643


Published: 2022-11-17

Peran Motivasi dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Dinas Perdagangan Kota Medan

Fitri Sagita, Waizul Qarni


Abstract View: 364, PDF Download: 338

Peranan Bank BPRS PT Puduarta Insani Dalam Meningkatkan UMKM melalui Program Pembiayaan Murabahah

Kholifah Kholifah, Sri Sudiartri


Abstract View: 244, PDF Download: 218

Pengaruh Jumlah Omset dan Sanksi terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Hotel, Restoran, dan Hiburan di Kota Medan

Annisa Fajaria, Zuhrinal M. Nawawi


Abstract View: 447, PDF Download: 396

Analisis Peranan Kompensasi Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan di Kantor Lembaga Zakat Washliyah Beramal

Muhammad Arif, Siswardi Brasa


Abstract View: 236, PDF Download: 211